What We Fought For

What we fought for, what we demanded, what we stopped… Trump has now destroyed. What we fought for we now will die for.

Because Trump cannot conceive of a world without chaos. A world without brutality and inhumanity and death.

A world that does not love him, cannot love him, and will never want him and his sideshow horror story.

A world of people who have the right to live. The right to survive. The right to food and water and healthcare.

The rights of citizenship.

The rights of living, breathing human beings.

This is what we fought for. This is what we sent soldiers to war for. This is what those proud flags and anthems all declare: we are the people and we have rights.

Trump doesn’t care.

He sows chaos and pestilence while spewing bile and hatred. His cronies lap up the madness blood. His enablers wither and skulk in the shadows muttering about how “it’s not our fault” while they unleash the rabid rats upon the people.

And Trump will laugh and smile from his golden façade and his gilded throne until one day the people find the path to push him off his own towering cliff. At the bottom his sycophantic jackals will turn on him as they turned on us because all they are is greed and endless lust for death.

But what we fought for… we lost.

What we must fight for now is each other. It’s all we have left.

Life is precious. Let’s never be too tired or apathetic to remember: we all have the right to live.

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